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Shuttle Car: Efficient Mining Equipment that is Essential

Efficient Mining Equipment that is Essential

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How does coal and other materials make their way from the deep tunnels of the underground? How do mines get these tons and tons of coal out of the mine? Well my friends that piece of machinery is called a shuttle car. It is a crucial piece of equipment in the mining world. This workhorse transports loads of material from mining face to the conveyor belt or feeder breaker. AMP is here to dive into its history, how it functions, what makes it run and some other key specs! AMP not only knows how these things work but we rebuild and repair these beats and make them hum like brand new. So don't hesitate to give us a call or fill out our form! AMP's mission is to keep the world alight, one part at a time.

A Bit of History

Shuttle cars are a staple in the mining industry for many decades. Companies like Joy Global or Komatsu and of course Caterpillar have been pioneers in developing and getting these types of machines to meet the tough standards seen in the mining industry.

The Role of Shuttle Cars in Mining

A shuttle's car main job is of course to shuttle material! This material can be coal, ore, and or rock. These materials typically come from conveyor systems or feeder breakers. A continuous miner cuts and loads the material. The Shuttle Car comes in and transports it. This system helps continuous mining operations reduce down time and increase output. It's electrical motors and its durable construction AMP's rebuilt shuttle cars can handle heavy loads and tough underground conditions guaranteed.

Take a Peek into the Shuttle Car: Mechanical Parts

A Shuttle car is not a simple machine. It is made of tons of parts. Unfortunately, the wear and tear of this industry can see shuttle cars parts become obsolete or broke. AMP luckily keeps these shuttle car parts and other underground machinery parts on hand, If AMP doesn't have the part to switch out for you, then will repair it. AMP's mission is to keep the world alight.

Electric Motors:
The heart of the shuttle car, these motors provide the power needed to haul these heavy loads. Most models feature dual motors, each providing horsepower to drive the car and operate its functions.

Chassis and Frame:
AMP builds there Shuttle Cars from high-strength steel the chassis and frame provide the necessary support and durability to withstand the harsh underground environment. We know these things can take a beating, so let AMP take a look at yours. Our guys are some of the best in the business.

Tires and Suspension:
Heavy-duty tires and a heavy-duty suspension system ensures the shuttle car can navigate the rough terrain of the underground. Tires are typically solid rubber to prevent flats.

Steering and Braking System:
Precision steering and reliable brakes are crucial for navigating in the tight underground spaces. The shuttle car is equipped with hydraulic steering and advanced braking systems to ensure safety and efficiency.  

Bucket or Conveyor:
The material is loaded into a bucket or onto a conveyor system within the shuttle car. This component is designed to hold material.

Control System:
Modern shuttle cars and especially ones built by AMP are equipped with advanced control systems that include operator controls, safety interlocks, and monitoring systems to ensure smooth and safe operation.

Lighting and Safety Features:
All of AMP's Shuttle cars have Bright LED lights, backup alarms, and emergency stop buttons. AMP feels that these standard features, enhance safety for operators and other workers in the mine.  

The Guts

AMP has years of experience with underground machinery and we can help your business keep running. These aspects are just some general specs that help show you what a typical shuttle car consist of:

Motor Power:
Dual electric motors, each providing around 75 to 100 horsepower.

Load capacity:
Depending on the model most shuttle cars can load anywhere from 8 to 20 tons.

Typically these puppies operate from speeds up to 6pmh when loaded.

Shuttle cars are around 30 to 40 feet long and 8 to 10 feed wide, Making them the perfect size to move around the underground tunnels.

AMP's shuttle cars are guarantee built from high-strength, abrasion-resistant steel to withstand the harsh mining environment.

Shuttle cars operate on high-voltage electric power, often 480 VAC to provide the necessary energy for its motors and systems.

Last words

The shuttle car is essential for any mining operation. It is key to transporting important material like coal from the underground mines to the conveyor system. This piece of equipment can really boost a mines production. AMP not only provides these vital shuttle cars but also offers top-notch repair services to keep them running smoothly. If your shuttle car needs a tune-up or you're looking to get a new one built to your specs, you can count on us. AMP delivers expertise and passion in every build. We want to keep your operation running and our mission is to keep this world alight.

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