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Why Coal? 5 Reasons Why Coal is Here to Stay

Coal is necessary. The world Depends on it.

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Why Coal? || 5 Reasons Why Coal is Here to Stay


Hello! Thanks for checking out AMP’s website. We are a rebuild and repair shop for mining equipment. We handle all electronic components of mining operations. From circuit breakers, contactors, ground monitors, and more. AMP keeps these products in stock so don’t keep your operation stalling. Keep it running with AMP Inc.

That’s not all AMP can do but that’s not why you came here.

SO, Let’s talk about coal. Coal mining has been around for a really long time, like really long. It is super important today. Even though folks are talking a lot about wind and solar power, we still need coal to keep our lights on and everything running smoothly.

Coal isn't going anywhere, and we are going to tell you why:

Coal Powers our Homes and Business

“Coal is reliable because it works all the time”

Coal is a big deal when it comes to making electricity. It’s necessary. Whether you’re flipping on the lights, watching television, or playing videogames. Coal is the driving force behind it. Coal is reliable because it works all the time. No matter if its am or pm, rain or shine.  That’s why coal is so important—it keeps our homes and business running without any hiccups.

Coal Mining Creates Jobs

Coal mining isn't just about digging up coal; it provides jobs for people. It has been a lifeline for generations of people. Coal is sewn into the fabric of many counties and towns throughout the United States. Families depend on coal mining to make a living. Coal miners are hard-working, salt of the earth kind of folk and they make sure everyone has energy to keep this country going. These jobs help support local communities, making sure schools, shops, and other businesses can continue to exist.

Coal Keeps our Economy Strong

Coal mining brings in a lot of money. Coal from the Appalachian region is used all over because of its high quality. The money generated from production can help to build roads, schools, and hospitals.

Coal is Needed for Making Steel and Cement

Without Coal we wouldn’t have the strong steel we need

Did you know that coal is used to make steel? Steel helps build cars, bridges and buildings. Its needed for infrastructure. Without coal we wouldn’t have the strong steel we need. Coal is also used to make cement, which is just another key material in building homes and other structures.

New Technologies Make Coal Mining Cleaner

People worry constantly about the environment as well as many other things but that’s why new technologies and practices are being used to make coal mining cleaner. These technologies help reduce pollution and keep the air and water cleaner. With such improvements, coal mining can and will continue to be a big part of our energy future.

COAL IS NOT GOING AWAY! We stand by it. While some have started using more “renewable energy” Coal remains the biggest part of how the world gets energy. Coal is important because again its reliable and keeps energy costs low. Coal will continue.

So what did we learn?

Coal helps power our homes, create jobs, keep our economy strong, and is used in building and creating of many important materials. Coal is here to stay.


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